Our expertise in eco-friendly roofing includes a full range of design components that enhance a roof’s environmental integrity. These include Vegetative Roofs, which allow a customer the opportunity to manage storm water run-off while enjoying the other benefits of aesthetics and cleaner air. Vegetative roofs are characterized by their style first and then by installation method. Roof styles include Extensive or Intensive and they can be installed in Container Systems or by Traditional Overburden.
The Styles:
Extensive: The low maintenance option, Extensive Vegetated Roofs are lightweight veneer systems of thin layers of drought tolerant, self-seeding vegetated roof covers using colorful sedums, grasses, mosses and meadow flowers requiring little or no irrigation or fertilization after establishment. Extensive Roofs usually have soil depths of 6” or less and lack any ornamental trees or shrubbery.
Intensive: The Intensive Vegetated Roof makes a more elaborate environmental statement. This style delivers roof landscapes, such as roof gardens and above/underground parking garage roofs, which are intended for human interaction. Intensive Roofs usually have soil depths well in excess of 6” and typically include ornamental trees, shrubbery, patios and benches as well as other hardscape items.
The Installation Methods:
Container Systems: Designed for extensive styles, Container Systems are installed independently of the roof system. Containers are typically 2’ x 2’ units that have integrated drainage channels. The containers are designed to allow them to be filled with the growing media and vegetation.
Traditional Overburden: Traditional Overburden Systems are installed in direct conjunction with the waterproofing/roofing membrane. Instead of containers, the soil is installed directly on top of the existing waterproofing/roofing membrane. Generally, these systems are installed for intensive styles.
